Winter ends, welcome spring! Though the weather is still a little bit chilly, it’s time for you to go outside to get new energy from the full blooms. Today’s article will discuss about spring crafts which perfect to celebrate the season. It will be like bring the outside atmosphere in. Last words, read on and you will hopefully get inspired!
1. Flower Power

While you already know the power flower has lays within its beauty and whatnot, the power this flower craft has lays within its function. In conjunction with its purpose to be table display, it is also able to serve candies. Plus, by taking the shape of daffodil, it is a perfect craft to represent springtime.
What you need to have this flower power craft are food coloring of yellow for the flower petals and green for the leaves, pie plate, coffee filters, paintbrush, paper cups, and hot-glue gun. It’s pretty easy remembering its usefulness.
2. Grow A Grass Head

Do you want to have quite long lasting project? This is the answer if you do! Growing a grass head needs your attention and care from time to time which is a perfect project to do with your kids. Why? You can teach them about responsibility with this little grass head or more known as flowerpot men.
Its making process is quite tricky yet super fun and affordable. Show the kids how to make grass head and they’ll love it for sure! The materials required are old stockings, some earth, grass seeds, thread, googly eyes and felt for decoration, and a pot for the flowerpot men to sit in.
The first step is to generously put grass seeds up to three tablespoon full inside the stockings. Add in a lot of earth afterwards until you get the size of baseball. Secure the bottom part of the stockings using thread. Pinch a nose, stick a pair of googly eyes and mouth. Let it sit in a pot and shower it under the tap to quicken the process.
3. Mini Garden

Tiny terrarium will be a lovely thing to accompany your little ones during springtime. The great part of it is it can be placed anywhere within their reach. And it practically becomes anything. For example, place it on the bookshelf and it becomes book end. Fascinating, right?
You’ll need jar with lid and fill it in sequence from the very bottom of the jar with gravel, ground charcoal, potting soil, peat, builder’s sand, and plants like Chinese elm or sweet flag at the topmost of layers before secure the lid.
4. Paint A Flower Tote

When season changes, it’s only natural to change the house decoration, too. To put up with that, you need a little change with your accessories also based on the season. For example, since it is springtime, a drawing of flowers in your originally plain tote bag will be perfectly nice.
5. Bottle Cap Flowers

Flowers in full bloom are found everywhere since it is the time. No wonder if you want to make some crafts in accordance with the season. This simple bottle cap flowers can be a fun example to make your active kiddos sit and occupied for a while.
Besides bottle caps, you’ll also need white paper, colored construction paper to be the flower petals, paint, glue, cotton swabs to paint the cap and also the flowers’ stem, and scissors. What’s left to do now is to glue the caps and petals and it’s done! How easy.
6. Braided Flower Bracelets

If you’re a nature lover and fond of crafting, then you’ll surely be going to love this braided flower bracelets. The bracelets should be made of wildflowers. Any type of wildflowers doesn’t matter, but it’s better to use the kind with long stem like dandelions. As the making process is super easy, the supply you need is also simple.
You only need scissors and braiding skill to do this. That’s the extent of how simple and easy this bracelets craft is.
7. Butterfly Wreath

Aside from flowers, the love of spring is hinted by the sight of various butterflies also. Therefore, you should try some butterfly craft like this butterfly wreath. It is suitable for all ages and genderless. It means that this craft can be created by both girls and boys.
Things you will need to make this kind of wreath will be coffee filters, washable markers for decoration, droppers, scissors, cardboard to make a pattern, water to blend the colors, and black pipe cleaners to shape the butterflies. Besides those, there are other optional supplies you may need. They are foam wreath, hot-glue gun, and burlap ribbon.
8. Cork-Stamped Button Flowers

Enjoy the flowers while springtime as they’re still on the list for this season craft! Now, it’s a craft of stamped flowers using cork as the stamp and buttons as the flower bud. As it is a very easy craft, invite your little crafters to make this with you. They will be more than happy to be involved.
You need to prepare white cardstock, acrylic craft paints, 10 wine corks to be 2 flower stamps of 3 and 7 petals, rubber bands to secure the cork stamps, flat tray to pour your paint onto, scissors, buttons in different colors, green straws, egg cups to act as the flower pots, and glue.
9. DIY Terracotta Pots

Now, this project will focus on decorating flower pots by stenciling your name or your kids’ using stencils, all-purpose acrylic paints, sponge spouncer, and Mod Podge Washout. The final results will become very nice gifts for Mother’s Day or for your kids’ respectable teacher.
10. Handprint Butterfly

This is another butterfly project for this season craft. You can have fun with your little ones by creating it. All you need to do is paint your hands in multiple colors before stamp them onto a piece of paper with leaving a small gap in between. And then fill the gap with caterpillar body painting in green or other preferable color.
Let it dries afterwards. In time it completely dries, decorate it with googly eyes and sequins. For the final touch, outline everything with dark marker and give it a pair of antennas.
11. Kite Hoop Art

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When the neighboring children start flying kites, it means warm weather finally greets us. Celebrate it by creating this kite craft! The materials you’re going to use are very affordable. They are embroidery hoop, burlap fabric, assorted paper kites, scissors, craft glue to attach the kites onto the fabric, and ribbon.
12. Lollipop Flowers

Try this one craft for a surely fresh idea of easy crafting! By wrapping lollipops with felt, you create new different way of giving handmade gift. Anyone of all ages can certainly do this. To make lollipop flowers, prepare the art supplies you’re going to need, first.
Besides those mentioned above, you will also need wood dowels, hot glue gun to stick the flower petals to the lollipop sticks, duct tape to attach the lollipops to the dowel, and wire. The felt is needed to make the flower petals and some leaves. Measure the petals bigger than the lollipops. For one wrap, you’ll need at least 6 petals.
Display your creation using Styrofoam block or Mason jar, or any container that crossed your mind. Or, for more fun, put the lollipop flowers in the garden to surprise kids in some occasion.
13. Make Your Own Forsythia

One of the signs nature tells the universe that spring has finally begun is the bloom of flowers everywhere including the bloom of bright garden forsythia. No wonder that it inspires people to make some craft with the said flower as the theme. It is called ‘Make Your Own Forsythia’. As it is easy to create, you can make it in no time.
Prepare these art supplies: thin twigs, yellow tissue paper cut into squares as you see fit, yellow cardstock for the frames, and scotch tape. All of those will take less than 10 minutes to prepare.
14. Nature Suncatchers

This is another collaboration project between nature and craft. You simply are going to use flowers from the nearest yard or park, laminator, laminating pouches, string, scissors, hole punch, and tape.
The first part is to collect some flowers or leaves. But you have to pay attention to this: you should not pick the flowers that are still intact. Instead, collect the fallen ones as this act won’t be of any harm.
Laminating is what comes next. After they are laminated, cut them according to their shapes. Make a hole afterwards to give some place for the string to tie. And voila, you have your own nature suncatchers.
15. Popsicle Stick Flowers

When you’re too busy to go outside to see the flowers, why don’t bring them inside? You can do it by creating this Popsicle stick flowers. This project is very easy and perfect to make with the kids. You can teach them also about flowers while create the craft.
To make a Popsicle stick flower, you need Popsicle sticks, paints in your kids’ favorite colors for the flower petals and green for the stem, paint brush, glue, pom pom, and green pipe cleaner for the leaves. Painting and gluing will be the only works you have to do in this project.
16. Spring Lacing Cards

After tell them how to make spring lacing cards once, your kids can do it by themselves even without you being around because it’s not hard at all. The supplies they’ll need are printable character page, printer, laminator, cardstock to print the image onto, scissors, and hole puncher. Print, cut, laminate, and hole punch are the only things they have to do.
17. Tissue Paper Spring Blossoms

The best part of spring is of course to watch the flowers blossoming. And that’s what inspires this time project. You will create tissue paper spring blossoms using blue construction paper, black paint, glue, foam brush to paint the tree branch in black, and the last is pink tissue papers for the blossoms.
It’s extremely easy. Firstly, paint the tree branch onto the blue construction paper. It’s up to you how the branch looks like. Glue on some parts of the branches where you want to put the blossoms after that. And after covering the glue with the blossoms, it’s done. Framing it will be an optional work to do.
18. Traced Hands Flower

Traced hands flower craft will be a fun project for kids of all ages this spring. You only need construction paper, glue, scissors, and pencil for tracing. The first step is to trace your hands onto the construction papers. Choose your favorite color for the paper and then cut the handprints.
You need to cut a circle to be the flower center and also a flowerpot. Last work to do is glue them on how you see fit.
19. Ladybug Fractions Craft

This is another printable activity for this season. It’s great for your kids to learn about basic math, especially numbers and fractions as ladybug shapes a perfect circle and can be divided into quarters. The following supplies are what you need to do this printable craft: printer, printer paper, crayons, and scissors.
What you can teach the kids using this ladybug are greater-less than, fractions of ¼ until ¾, and addition-subtraction below up to 10. This craft is the actual meaning of proverbs ‘kill two birds with one stone’.
20. Paper Straw Flower Craft

Paper straws nowadays come in bright colors and have playful motif. You can definitely create something out of them and this paper straw flower craft can be a good example. To make a paper straw flower craft, you need 3 pieces of paper straws, scissors, glue, button, Popsicle stick, green paint, paint brush, and green pipe cleaner.
Cut, glue, and paint are the only works you’re going to do to successfully make this craft. Put your creation into a flowerpot and display it on the table or window sill. The other option is to hang it on the fridge door using a magnet glued to the back side of your paper straw flower.
It’s time to wrap all the things up! Come on, stand up and gather the supplies for your spring craft you’re going to make today. Invite your little ones if possible to get them creative. Have fun!