Learn how to make an elephant origami because it’s easy and fun. You can even join the movement called #ElephantOrigamiChallenge that helps to raise awareness to save elephants.
The movement was started in 2016. Well, it’s never too late to save the planet, right? In this post, we’ve gathered 11 ideas for making elephant origami.
Some of them are easy to make and some other requires advanced techniques and patience. Just choose the idea that matches your style and ability.
1. Easy Three-Dimensional Origami Elephant

This little origami elephant is quite easy to make because you’ll only need a sheet of square paper. You can work with the paper of desired colors. You can also give it in different sizes and positions. This one is designed by the Paper Kawaii channel on Youtube.
2. Asian Elephant Origami Idea

This elephant origami is inspired by the Asian Elephant art craft from Shuki Kato. This one is folded by Seth Friedman.
If you want to make this origami craft, you can also download the crease pattern on his website. You just need to follow the instructions based on the pattern. Good Luck.
3. Purple Origami with Flower Pattern

This beautiful elephant origami is designed by Roman Diaz. It comes from the Les Animaux category on the french craft website.
This origami craft gets the flower pattern from the square paper. You can also choose to hand draw the pattern with a paintbrush.
If you’re not good at drawing, you can just get one of those origami paper that has a pattern on them.
4. Big and Tiny Origami Elephant

People love elephants, they’re so majestic. You can make a small version of this majestic animal with only a piece of paper.
This brown origami elephant idea comes from the craft book written by Sok Song titled “Crease + Fold”.
If you look closely, you can see there’s a tiny little green baby elephant on the top of its trunk. It’s made from 3 and a half-inch of square paper. The big brown elephant in the picture needs a 35-inch piece of paper.
5. Cute Origami Elephant 3D Craft

It’s a great piece for your room decoration. With a bright white table or wall, you can make the color of the origami elephant really pop in the room.
The texture that comes from the fold is quite simple. For those of you who don’t have an interest in making one, you can just buy it online
For a pack of 12 this origami craft, it only cost about 50 dollars. It’s available with 3 different colors, 9cm, 13cm, and 17cm.
6. DIY Origami Elephant String for Kids Room

This DIY craft would make a perfect decor to hang in the nursery or kids room. Get them all attached to an embroidery hoop allowing them to spin slowly.
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It’s also an interesting item to hang in the room. It would definitely draw your kid’s attention. With the colorful elephants make the craft a lot more impressive.
This craft consists of strings, embroidery hoop, and origami elephants. It becomes the origami elephant mobile. You can make this craft for only 10 bucks. S
7. Spiral Mobile Origami Elephant

It’s another mobile origami craft you can make at home. This vertical elephant origami can be a perfect decor for your room.
The patterned square paper is surely the key to these interesting origami strings. It’s paired with origami stars to make a variation.
You have to get at least three different patterns of the elephant to keep the interest in high. In order to make it looks like floating or flying, you should use some fishing line for the string.
8. Elephant Head Origami for Kids

Unlike previous ideas, this origami craft is designed for kids of all ages. It’s an easy origami craft to flex the creative minds of your kids.
It’s made only using four folding steps. Your kids will love making this elephant head and they can even play with afterward.
Even though the color of real elephants is gray, you can let your kids color the origami as they want. This craft will fascinate the kids.
The big ears, the long trunks, and the sheer size are what so special about this majestic animal. As a parent, you have to know that this crafting method is a great activity or the kids.
It can intricate fine motor skills and it’s also become a great stimulant for the fingertips of the kids. It’s easy and fun at the same time.
9. Origami Elephant from Scrapbook Paper

This origami elephant has a beautiful rustic charm on it. The scrapbook pattern is the key to the entire elephant form.
If you want to make the origami more meaningful, the choice of paper is the key. It’s proof that you can make an elephant out of any paper.
However, make sure the paper you’ve chosen is easy to be folded or friendly to the origami method. You can even have an elephant origami from a newspaper. So, it would become an elephant full of letters.
10. Elephant Origami for Christmas Decoration

Who’s ready for Christmas? The most festive time of the year is approaching.
You can’t say that you’re ready for Christmas when you don’t have the decor items finished. Well, have some elephant origami crafts as the tree ornaments.
You can just go with simple elephant origami crafts but the color choice should be a combination of white and red. Don’t forget to add some small Christmas ornaments to make it perfect for the big day.
11. Pink Elephants Origami Garland

This pink elephant garland is made in Japanese washi. It has a crumpled effect to give a delicate and poetic charm to the interior design.
This pretty origami garland is surely a perfect handmade birth gift you can give to relatives.
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You can put it in a child’s room as a wall or ceiling decoration. Because of the soft pink colors, it would make great decor for the girls’ room.
There are many other elephant origami ideas to choose from as your inspiration. Not all of them are friendly to beginners, but it would get your creative minds going. A piece of paper can be transformed into a majestic elephant art.