Being awarded creative and crafty child seems to be more challenging. Parents are demanded to facilitate various boredom-busting activities for them. Making fun crafts for toddlers will be fun to do with children. Think simply to utilize scraps and recycled goods at home.
Maximizing the use of leftover things instead of purchasing expensive toys will be more valuable. With just some cheap crafts supplies, you’ve already bought your kids to trigger their creativity and imagination.
Their sensory and fine motor skills will also be optimized when they fully get involved in the process. Since the activities are geared toward the craft, there will be some outcome of artsy products.
Here are twenty five fun ideas to inspire you on arranging crafts for toddlers activities at home. You may choose which ones are more interesting for your kids. You can also modify the activity to suit the needs and situations.
1. Recycled Pizza Craft

Let your kids play in the kitchen by pretending to make a pizza. A craft of pizza is made from recycled cardboard round of pizza as a crust, shredded paper as cheese, green paper stripes as peppers, and red paper circles as pepperoni.
Spread lots of glue on the cardboard crust before putting out the pizza toppings. Then, get your kids to cling the cheese, peppers, and pepperoni on the pizza. Let stand for a moment to dry. Enjoy your craft of pretending pizza!
2. Making a Finger Puppet Theater

Decorating a box into a puppet theater is such a great activity. Fold one side of the box cover and cut off the cover on the other side. Sew some cloth to make curtains or just simply staple them on a long stick. For the finishing touch, adorn the sides of puppet theater by coloring and sticking funny stickers. Now, get ready for your finger puppet shows!
3. Frozen Primary Color Paint

Having an ice activity fits for outdoor play in the summer season. Put a drop of food coloring (yellow, blue, and red) into ice cubes. Your kids will learn how to mix primary colors and create new secondary colors from the mixtures.
Ask your kids to fling two different colored ice cubes such as blue and red. See what’s happening when the ice cubes start melting. Surprisingly, blue and red ice cubes melt together and change the color into purple. Have your kids try another combination and predict what color will be made.
4. Easy Star Craft

Supposing to have stars that are being held up in the sky, ask your kids to arrange their own “stars” at home. Use blue-painted cardboard tubes as the sky and make the stars from shiny cards. Prepare different heights of blue tubes to be struck by the stars. This craft can be displayed next to your fireplace. Let’s catch the stars kids!
5. Box and Ball Painting

It is such an exciting idea to have a painting using box and ball. How come? You need a piece of printer paper that is stuck to the bottom of a shoe box. Prepare small, medium, and big size of balls that are coated with some color paints. Next, put them into a shoe box.
Trigger your kids to shake around the box so that colorful patterns will be painted. Since the outcome of a product is an abstract color painting, you may add more color and paint freely.
6. Contact Paper Tree

Using contact paper gives an easy way to put some things on its sticky side. Draw an outline of a tree on a white paper. Stick it on the wall and place the sticky side of contact paper over it. Cut some colored papers to make the shapes of apples, leaves, and trunk. Finally, the kids will take the turn to stack the apple tree.
7. Mardi Gras Mask Craft

Doing a sparkly mask, such as Mardi Gras, offers a fun craft activity for toddlers. Just simply cut a basic mask to be decorated by the kids. Paint the mask with desired colors. Add some glitters or gems to the sparkling look. Next is to tape a stick at the back side of the mask. Now, have fun with the mask craft!
8. Nature Collages

Looking for a free craft activity? Walk around the backyard and pick some flowers for nature collages. Pulling off the petals and leaves before putting them into a basket. Use a little glue for sticking the flowers on a paper. Then, encourage your kids to create their own flower art.
9. Paper Plate Snake with Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap is used to make a pattern of snake’s skin. Use a rolling pin covered with bubble wrap and spurt two shades of green paint. Roll it over the paper plate and let it dry.
Cut the plate into a spiral shape and leave a round shape as a “head”. Stick on googly eyes and cut a piece of ribbon as a snake’s tongue. Start playing with the snake by dangling it around.
10. Personalized Photo Frame

Designing plain wooden frame into personalized photo frame looks artsier. Get involved your kids to decorate the frame as a fun play. Use colorful buttons, sticky alphabets, and pom pom to create their own design.
Stack the letters for a name and decorate the frame with colorful pom pom and buttons. Have all dried before popping a photo inside. This craft might also be a birthday gift as well.
11. Paper Plate Parrot Craft

The paper plate is a craft material that can be formed into various shapes, including a parrot. Use both colored and white paper plate which is combined with construction paper and craft sticks. Every kid paints the parrot’s body and chooses different color freely. Use a craft stick to turn it into puppets. Happy playing kids!
12. Lion Craft with a Fork

It sounds interesting since a fork can be used as an art tool. Believe it or not, you can make lion craft with a fork. It starts with drawing a circle and put some orange paint on a paper. Make the fork dipped into the orange paint. Go around the outside circle to form a lion’s face. It such a cute lion!
13. Paint with Bubbles

Bubble and paint are the most lovable things for kids. So, they will feel so excited to create bubble painting on a paper. It requires some bubble mixture in the colorful paint. Bubble bursting forms various patterns like spots, rings, and circles. Put the mixture in a bottle to blow the bubbles safely and happily.
14. Pasting Cupcake Patty Pans

If you are looking for a quick and fun activity, pasting patty pans might be the choice. Just prepare all supplies on the table. They are clag glue, cupcake patty pans, and colorful papers. Your kids will independently explore their creativity and produce the art.
15. Craft Stick Puppets

Want to try DIY playful puppets for toddlers? Combining craft sticks with colorful craft felt cloth, googly eyes, clay, and pipe cleaner is enough to create your own. Dress up the stick puppets by cutting the felt cloth into different shapes such as triangle and rectangular.
Put the googly eyes at the top of the stick. Pipe cleaner is used as the puppet’s hair. These simple ways can create different puppet’s characters. After doing the art-making, let them play a dramatic play with the puppets.
16. Bubble Wrap Beehive and Fingerprint Bee Craft

Make full use of your leftover bubble wrap as a beehive and combine with fingerprint bee crafts. Cut the bubble wrap into beehive shape. Give yellow paint and glued to a paper. Stamp around the beehive with your kids’ thumbs and draw some bee’s characteristics.
17. Colored Pumpkin Seeds Mosaic

Creating mosaics from pumpkin seeds doesn’t need cutting process, like what typically do with ceramics and glass. Therefore, it’s easier to play with pumpkin seeds. Apply food coloring on the seeds to make them colorful.
Meanwhile, design a modeling clay into round flat shape or any other shapes as desired. Place the seeds on the clay creatively. Try different seed creations and patterns. Designing both monochrome and multi-colored mosaic are awesome.
18. Hand and Footprint Turkey Craft

Hand and footprint crafts become lovable for toddlers. Try to make a turkey craft from their handprint. Use colorful papers to trace their feet and hands. Glue the hand and footprint to form a perfect turkey craft consisting of head, body, wings, and tail.
19. Suncatcher with Punch Origami

The art of paper folding with origami seems quite difficult for toddlers. Therefore, it’s better to make a suncatcher with punch origami. This will encourage your kids’ fine motor skills. Guide them to punch the origami. Also, collect the ‘dots’ they got from punching over it.
Cut the origami into other shapes like hearts, triangles, or ovals. Punch over the papers by following the shapes. Decorate all punch origami papers with dots. Suncatchers are ready to be tapped on the window.
20. Making a Rocket Ship

Recycling your cylindrical box into a rocket ship will be more stunning. Glue some colored paper around the body. Give a little space for a door and a window. Use a cone shape of a foam sheet as a top.
Make sure that all parts of the rocket built completely. For the finishing touch, add some stickers if necessary. Now, the rocket ship is ready to fly off to the moon!
21. Lamb Crafts

There are five creations of lamb crafts that consist of cotton wool, straw print, sponge print, shredded paper, and handprint. Cotton wool and shredded paper lamb are more classic. The cotton and paper are glued to the lamb’s body.
Otherwise, printed patterns using straw, sponge, and handprint need to be designed earlier. The lamb shapes are cut following the printed patterns. Here we have adorable lamb crafts with some unique designs.
22. Snake Collage

Snake collage is the easiest toddlers’ craft. It needs only cereal box shaped into the letter “S” and some green papers. Cut the paper into various shapes. Give a glue stick to your kids. They must spread the glue on the S-shaped paper. Complete the snake’s feature by stacking the green papers on the snake’s body.
23. Cat in the Hat Craft

Cat in the hat craft is one of Dr. Seuss activities. It’s a pleasure to introduce your kids to Dr. Seuss by creating this craft. Cut a white paper plate to form the top hat. Add red strips of paper on the hat. Use a black marker or crayon to draw the cat in details. Here is the cat in the hat craft. Can’t wait to hang it up right?
24. Tape and Tissue Collage

What a mess! Your kids play with an extra mess of sticky glue but you don’t have enough time to clean it up. Therefore, it’s better to use double-sided tape instead of glue. Make a perfect combination of tape and tissue for crafty collage.
Create an outline pattern by sticking the tape on a paper. Cut or tear the tissue into pieces, with a different size as desired. You may freely create flat, small fluffy, or even big crimpled pieces. Heap the pieces by pressing them on the tape.
25. Frozen Color Art

This frozen color art is a mess up activity so that is better to prepare outdoor work area. Your kids will simultaneously learn about science and color. Placing water in ice cube tray will change into solid when it is frozen. Also learning melting process while popsicle sticks are put into the ice cube.
To see the melting process clearly, drop some food coloring to the ice cubes. Then, try to put the colored ice cubes on a paper. Your kids will learn that they can start painting after the colored ice cubes melt.
Those are twenty-five crafts for toddlers ideas that might inspire you to arrange fun craft activities. The best-chosen ideas offer cheap materials and even free. Leftover boxes, papers, paper plate, bubble wraps, seeds, and flowers can be easily formed into unique artsy crafts. Hopefully, these ideas will pop up your spirit to produce your own. Let’s craft on!