If you’re looking for some cheap DIY headboard ideas, you have come to the right page. We’ve compiled many simple ideas for you to make your own headboard.
You know what? you can change the entire look of your bedroom with just a simple remodeling. Update the headboard. In order to do that, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. You can simply make it yourself with some cheap materials.
1. Creative Painted Wooden Headboard

Let’s begin with a very simple idea. Check out this painted wooden headboard. It’s made out of reclaimed wood boards. Add your personal style and creativity to the board. You can just copy this painting pattern to make the headboard more attractive.
You can recreate the exact pattern in less than an hour. So, don’t bother spending any fortune on the store.
2. DIY Headboard With a Touch of Glam

To give a straightforward statement to the bed, make the headboard an attention stealer. You don’t need to cover the entire room with multiple flashy items. Just focus on one focal point. The headboard is an easy choice for a focal point in the bedroom.
This Faux Brass headboard is a statement-making element in this bedroom. It makes a perfect value to the bed. You don’t need to build the headboard from scratch. You can just revamp your current headboard using this method. Aim for silver or bronze if you don’t like gold.
3. Flowery Headboard Idea

A headboard full of flowers is not something you can find in any bedroom. It’s like a bedroom for a couple during the honeymoon. This lovely headboard could make a great addition in your whitewashed bedroom. Every day would feel like a honeymoon.
Besides master bedroom for couple, this feminine headboard design could also make a perfect accessory for little girls or teenagers’ bedroom.
4. DIY Chalkboard Headboard Idea

It’s a unique idea to have a headboard without an actual headboard. The headboard is drawn on the chalkboard wall. According to your personal creativity and style, you can draw the headboard on your own.
It would make the entire look of the bedroom more personal. You can add any image or artwork you want on the wall like that lovely wreath.
5. Pegboard Wall Above The Bed

This headboard is not a part of the bed’s structure. Even though it’s separated, you can still connect the bed with the wall. This pegboard on the wall allows you to hang all of your decorative things and collectibles. It would make an art scene in your bedroom.
Don’t forget to arrange it decoratively for a stunning look. As we know, pegboards are so functional in any room. Having it on the bedroom wall above the bed must be really unique for you. Without all the decorative stuff, the pegboard offers a nice character and texture to the white wall.
6. Pretty Branches DIY Headboard

It’s an idea of DIY headboard cheap you can make in no time. It would bring the enchanted forest at the back of your bed. It definitely makes a great statement in your girl’s bedroom. That purple sheet and pillows get strengthen with those branches.
Before branches, the bed needs to have that old thrift store headboard as the main element. The branches just make the entire bed pretties. Look for branches around the neighborhood and don’t forget to paint it all white. Add some pretty birds, glitter, and ribbons for more attention.
7. DIY Headboard with Salvaged Planks

This DIY headboard wood idea is different from another type of wooden headboards. It’s made out of salvaged planks that somewhat offers a vintage natural look to the bedroom. As you can see, the color combination of the salvaged wood makes the headboard more attractive than ever.
That brown scheme really matches with the rest of the elements in the bedroom. It’s so easy to attract attention with this DIY headboard. As the center of attention, fill the space with a mounted family photo to make the design more personal.
8. Stylish DIY Headboard Pallet

Having a wood pallet furniture doesn’t have to be all rustic or farmhouse style. It can also be cleanly stylish like this one. You can make a relaxing scene in your bedroom with a combination of nature, wood, and white color.
Even having a breakfast straight from the bed would give a nice experience to start your day in a calm way. If you’re not into white schemes in your bedroom, you can aim for another color but choose the lighter shade.
For the plants, go with the medium-sized houseplants. Choose the type of plants that don’t require a lot of cares.
9. Elegant Tufted Headboard Idea

Check out this deep diamond tufted furniture, it seems like it’s not designed to be DIY-friendly. Well, this DIY headboard tufted is quite simple to make. It’s better to make it yourself than buying it from the furniture store.
This kind of headboard is the one that can pop into many people’s heads when they hear the word “headboard”. It’s so commonly popular for an elegant classic master bedroom. It seems like an expensive element back in the day. But nowadays, you can build it on yourself.
For a monochrome bedroom scheme, choose the fabric with a bright color. It would give a funky touch in the middle of everything. It will soon become your elegant main attraction of the bedroom.
10. Barn Style Headboard for Rustic Bedroom

If you want to add some rustic touch into the bedroom, don’t be afraid to make a maximum move. This old barn wood craft idea would make a perfect headboard for your bed. It’s a statement-making element for a bedroom.
You can balance the charm with some vintage pattern on the bed and other rustic furniture beside the bed. It will be a brave move to your bedroom design. Such a big rustic element is only for you who are in love with the aesthetic of rustic.
11. Simple Pipes Headboard

This one is probably the most simple idea of the DIY headboard. You can easily make the structure as part of your DIY project. It only needs several PVC pipes which are painted silver. The PVC pipes look like metal.
It becomes a nice frame for any kinds of fabric. You can have a piece of a boat sailor a patterned fabric to be the focal point of the bed. In this picture, you can see that it’s in the theme of sailing with that boat sail.
Finally, it’s your time to decide when to do the DIY project to give a new look to your bed or even the entire bedroom. Has one of those DIY headboard project ideas caught your attention?