Origami is one of the most popular crafts that can entertain both kids and adults. It’s not only the result that entertains, but it’s also enjoyed making it. This craft can be a fun project to do with the kids.
People really enjoy this kind of craft because it’s easy to make and you will only need some pieces of paper to make it. Right now, all you need is some origami ideas. We’re about to provide you with only the easy and cool crafting ideas that you can make using the unique folding technique.
1. Funky Jumping Frog

Making a folding craft in the form of an animal is probably the most favorite one. Because some animals are just born to be the inspiration of the craft. Check out this funky craft, you probably have seen this craft a lot.
A jumping frog origami is very easy to make. You can even make it jumping all around with a simple pressure from the tail part. Have fun with your friends with this craft and see whose craft can jump the farthest.
2. Rainbow Paper Crown

Let your kids become a king or queen with this origami crown. You’ll need an extra supply to make this craft. I’m talking about glue. Getting a paper crown for each guest in your kids’ birthday party would be very cool.
The colorful paper is the additional fun of this project. You may add more materials in order to make it more majestic such as glitters.
3. Easy Origami Bird

This amazing 2D bird papercraft is very easy to make. You can just do a simple folding with the right instructions. Well, you actually can find out the way to fold the paper just by looking closely to this bird craft.
For a final touch, you can draw its eye and beak with a black marker to make the bird more alive.
4. Easy Cute Paper Mushroom

It’s another simple idea for such a cute result. Mushroom can be found in some many places all over the world. It’s not just about the real mushroom, it’s also about the one in the Mario cartoon character.
If your kids love Super Mario character, they must love this evil but cute mushrooms.
5. Simple Paper Ring The Kids Love

Most parents don’t allow their kids to wear a ring because it may be a little too soon for them. What about a fake ring made out of paper. This origami ring will allow your kids to do pretend play. They must love playing with these cute paper rings.
That’s the reason why it’s such a great idea for the project. It’s also simple to make.
6. Easy Classic Boat Origami

It’s a traditional idea of paper craft using origami technique. This is an easy peasy craft to make. This idea should be the one you have as your first project. When it’s done, it’s more than just a decoration. It’s also a wonderful toy to play with because it can be floating on water.
When you go with this idea for your DIY project, you should make several boats in order to make the bathtub fleet for your kids.
There’s a simple trick you can do to make the boat floats well. Right at the back of the paper boat, put a drop of liquid soap.
7. Simple Traditional Origami Black Crow

What’s so interesting about this black crow papercraft is how it stands up. It makes a perfect decoration for Halloween. The dark black color makes it look creepier than ever. This little crow can make a perfect Halloween greetings card decoration.
In order to make it, you will only need a sheet of black origami paper. The paper should be black on both sides.
8. Cute Finger Puppets Origami Cat

Using origami, you can make some finger puppets like this one. Instead of cats, you can make dogs, pandas, and foxes. It’s according to the drawing you apply in the puppet and folding the ear differently.
To get more variety of looks, you may add some other things like stickers, glitters, and so on. According to creativity, it can be the cutest finger puppet ever.
9. Ghost Origami Craft for Halloween

Let’s get ready for Halloween, the day when everything seems both creepy and cute. That resembles what this origami ghost has to offer. It goes both scary and adorable. You can make it simply using a piece of paper and a marker.
Stick the ghost on the front door of the house as the Halloween decor to welcome the trick-or-treater. Or, you can add this on the Halloween greeting cards.
10. The Classic Origami Swan

An Origami swan is just classic. It’s also one of the most simple bird models of origami. Besides origami boat, many people start off their origami learning with this model.
You can just grab a sheet of origami paper and make it in just a few minutes. You will get a beautiful and simple origami swan. After that, you should make more of it to make it more festive.
An origami swan also makes an outstanding minimalist decoration, not only for your room but also a wedding display.
11. Easy Traditional Fish Origami Craft

Do you smell something fishy? Well, it must be not this kind of fishy. Making a fish with an origami technique may not be the first choice. But, it can be a great idea too. Because this origami fish is so easy to make.
It would be a really fun project with your kids making this origami craft. To make it more attractive, you can opt to use patterned paper, just like the ones in the picture.
12. Beautiful Butterfly Origami Craft

This butterfly origami model looks simple and elegant. You can make it by following a few simple steps. Once you know how to make it, you may want to keep making it because it’s gonna be really fun.
Make more and more butterfly to create a wonderful wall decoration. Don’t forget to use papers with colors or patterns to make it more impressive.
There you have it, some of the best origami craft ideas that are so easy to make. It will make a great origami project ideas for the kids. Let’s have some fun folding paper!